Coworking Space Office

Styling Your Private Office in a Coworking Space

February 20, 2017

So you’ve made the leap from working at home to working in a private office in a coworking space. Now what? If you have the ability to design your office any way you want, like at Joynture but you’re not an interior designer or have a large budget, we have some suggestions of easy ways to make your office feel a little more cozy.

First steps, hang some inspirational posters on your wall. This could include quotes, pictures of nature or even graphs of your organization’s sales projections for the next year. You can purchase these or print them for just a few dollars. You don’t have to worry about hanging pictures frames or spending money on them. All you’ll need to install these are a few pieces of tape.

Another easy step is buying or crafting some cute organizational containers for the top of your desk. Along with this, you can buy colorful pens, pencils, notebooks and other office supplies to add some more color to your desk. Fun statues, art pieces and plants can also add to your look and feel of your office. All of these are easily and cheaply purchased at your local discount store or on Amazon.

Coworking Space Office Coworking Space Private Office

Don’t be afraid to get more creative or to spend a little more money. You will be spending a good amount of time in your office and so the more comfortable you are the better you’ll feel about working long hours. Investing in a rug or a lamp isn’t a bad idea either! More creative ways to jazz up your coworking office will be posted again soon. Stay tuned.

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